Lakelands Lifestyle Village
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 About us

Lakelands Lifestyle Village is owned and managed by the Glenister family who have been at the forefront of lifestyle village development since its inception.

The Glenister family understands that listening to the people who live within the village is paramount and has an “open door” policy where you can talk to the friendly and helpful staff. They also pioneered a Residents Liaison Committee elected by those living within Lakelands and this has become an integral part of the community.


 Your lease

A forty year lease ensures your security of tenure and at the end of this period you may enter another lease. Increases in rent are governed by your lease agreement and are calculated by CPI +2%. Your home is owned by you and may be sold at any time.

A modest fortnightly fee is charged by Lakelands which covers rates and taxes, water rates, rubbish collection, village maintenance and administration and allows you free access to all the Lakelands facilities.

The basic fee is $415.50 per fortnight and the rent rises every July. Most of our villagers receive a Government Rental Subsidy but you would need to talk to Centrelink to establish your entitlement to this subsidy.

Some testimonials